Criteria are at the heart of the Report Generator, with the right combination of criteria you will be able to use the same report under a wide range of conditions. The report generator already comes with several criteria for immediate use, but you don’t have to use any of them if you don’t need to, and instead use the criteria of your choice. Here’s what each mean:
- txtStartDate – Use this date for any date criteria in your database. It’s almost always used with txtEndDate in order to limit the report to a particular date range.
- txtEndDate – The ending date for your analysis.
- txtMonth – Used in conjunction with txtYear to limit the analysis to just one month. Note: Your report should have a column with just the Month in order for the analysis to be limited to just that month.
- txtYear – Used to limit your analysis to a particular year. Note: Your report must have a column with a Year column in order to use this criteria.
- ProductID – Used to limit the analysis to a particular product or service.
- TransactionTypeID – Used to limit the analysis to a particular Transaction Type in your database. For example it could be a transaction type of Sale, Ship, Refund, etc.
- Do you need to modify the data source for the criteria? Click on “How can I change the existing criteria data source?” question below.
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