Office 2007 will allow you to easily create PDFs from any Word Document using the output menu on the Office button, (Access does too with Reports), but recently I had to create a procedure for a client that wanted to convert Word docs to PDF, email them and do it all from Access.
Note: To make this code work, you will need to add a reference to Word 2007 to your Access database.
Here is the code:
Private Sub CreatePDF(strSourceFile As String, strDestFile As String)
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim objWordDoc As Word.Document
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objWord = CreateObject(“Word.Application”)
objWord.Visible = True
Set objWordDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(strSourceFile)
If Not objWord Is Nothing Then
objWordDoc.ExportAsFixedFormat strDestFile, wdExportFormatPDF, False, wdExportOptimizeForPrint, wdExportAllDocument
End If
objWordDoc.Close False
Set objWordDoc = Nothing
Set objWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation, “Error Creating PDF”
End Sub
Note how I display Word at the begining of the process, not doing so may leave Word “hanging” in memory if your code comes back with an error.
It doesn’t require any tool or software to convert word file in to PDF. Just save as your document to PDF and you just done it. But yest if you want to print it, you may need a tool or software. I use FolderMill software trial version downloaded from