Using ADO Asynchronously in Microsoft Access to Speed up Forms

Our presenter for the next meeting, on March 12th, is Ben Clothier.  Ben will talk to us about using ADO asynchronously in Access.

Have you had scenarios where you need to load large amount of data but you don’t want to make users wait for it? We will cover how we can improve the responsiveness of the forms by using asynchronous ADO to collect the data in background while allowing the users to interact with the form meanwhile. This involves using events with ADO’s objects.

Ben is a Solution Architect at IT Impact, an Access MVP since 2009, and a SharePoint Technology Specialist. He has worked on business applications from survey tracking to worldwide supply control databases. When he’s not working, he’s probably reviewing or writing something about Access development!

Click here for the meeting info:

Note we now use Microsoft teams for our meetings.