Taking over someone else’s Access Database is not easy  

We get calls all the time to take over an existing database, for a wide range of reasons: 

  • Existing developer has retired. 
  • Does not have the skillset to cloud enable the database. 
  • Does not return calls/too busy. 


It is the hardest thing to do

Taking over someone else’s work is not easy, often the original developer is no longer around to ask questions, you must learn their way of doing things, and you’re learning the business at the same time. It would be easier to start from scratch sometimes, but for the most part we make it work using our proven methodology, which I will share here. 


First, get to know the system from a power user’s perspective 

Have someone at the business walk you through the what, how and why of the business: 

  • What do they do? Produce widgets? Service the elderly? What is the core business? 
  • How do they do it? How many users are using the database? Is there more than one location? Do they have remote users using VPN? 
  • Why do they do the business? What is their passion and their reason for being? 

Next, sit down with them and have them show you the system and its critical parts, you’re not doing code or table reviews at this point, you want to learn how to use the system. Take lots of notes and screenshots, I prefer a Teams meeting where I can record and review it later. 


Second, do a deep dive behind the scenes 

Make sure to grab the latest copy of the system, both front and back ends, than sit down to do an extensive review of the table design, code and architecture of the system: 

  • Check references, are they using some that are no longer relevant? 
  • Are they using the latest ODBC and MSOLEDB drivers for SQL Server? 
  • Is there a database diagram? 
  • Does the code compile? 
  • Does each table have a primary key, secondary keys? 
  • Do they declare variables? 
  • Are they too reliant on domain functions? (Domain functions can really impact performance if you plan on migrating to the cloud) 


Review their security 

  • Are they using a table for logins?  
  • Are they leveraging active directory? 
  • Do they wish to use MFA with Access? 


Report back to management 

We end our initial engagement by compiling our findings and recommendations into a power point along with an action item list of critical needs, project plan and estimated hours.