Upsize your Access database to the cloud
Our experts are here to help
Our team has helped customers migrate Access to the cloud so that employees can continue to be more productive during this crisis.
Upgrading will provide the following benefits:
- Allow employees to securely use the database at home, on the road, or anywhere there is internet access.
- Handle many more users with ease.
- Much more stable or reliable than just using a pure Access solution.
- Continue to use the same Microsoft Access database you know and love, no need to convert it to a web app!
- Improved security with PCI and HIPAA compliance measures.
- Up to the minute backups and recovery.

We can “web-enable” your MS Access database to work from anywhere with an internet connection!
We are a Microsoft Gold Partner that specializes in upgrading Microsoft Access to the cloud. Web-enabling Access will allow your employees to use the system at multiple locations. It also includes auto-updates and high-speed performance upgrades. For more information click here.
We can also update your database so all of your team members use the system with ease over VPN. For more information click here. IT Impact can host your data.
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