SQL Server

SQL Server with Access Articles, tips and tricks

Building connection strings in your application made easy

Building connection strings is a common task in an application development. In the previous article, I talked about differences among various connection formats. This brings us to the topic of building a connection string. Most of the time, it’s typically the developer of the application who will bu [...]

2025-02-24T07:11:25-06:00February 24th, 2025|

New Drivers For SQL Server… What You Need to Know

Recently, Microsoft released two new drivers for SQL Server, a major upgrade: ODBC 18 Driver for SQL Server OLEDB 19 Driver for SQL Server That's great news! However, there is a major breaking changes that requires your attention. Specifically, they changed how the default settings work for the encr [...]

2022-03-08T07:46:52-06:00March 7th, 2022|

Access-compatible Wide World Importers SQL Server Database

SQL Server usually comes with useful sample databases to demonstrate new features and some possible design. I usually find sample databases far more useful as a playground for developing generic components against an existing database to use in other projects. I find that using a empty or too small [...]

2021-12-06T14:39:15-06:00December 7th, 2021|

When should you use SQL Server with Access? (Hint: Almost always)

[Update] Post has been updated to correct the maximum size of the database to 10 Gigs When should you use SQL Server with Access? (Hint: Almost always) Look, I’ve heard the phrase “When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail” and given that our specialty is Access with SQL Server at I [...]

2021-11-09T17:35:51-06:00August 1st, 2021|

Avoid This Common Error When Executing Stored Procedure in MS Access

Avoid This Common Error When Executing Stored Procedure in MS Access   We love running stored procedures from our VBA code, but there is one issue you need to watch out for: Executing a procedure that affects data already loaded on your form. If you're not careful you will get the following [...]

2021-06-30T14:54:20-05:00March 2nd, 2021|

Search Microsoft SQL Server Database for Stored Data

Search Microsoft SQL Server Database for Stored Data   Have you ever had to decipher a database and identify which column has the data you need? I recently had to work with extracting data from a SQL database to use in Microsoft Access and Power BI, unfortunately the naming structure of the dat [...]

2021-06-25T07:30:03-05:00June 19th, 2020|

Detangling the New Microsoft SQL Server ODBC and OLEDB Drivers

Detangling the New Microsoft SQL Server ODBC and OLEDB Drivers Some of you may already know that Microsoft backtracked on their planned deprecation of OLEDB and provided a new OLEDB driver. However, it can be a head-scratcher to figure what you should be using. When we were using SQL Server Native C [...]

2021-06-11T05:47:43-05:00September 11th, 2018|

Join Me For a Microsoft Access with SQL Server Academy Session

Join Me For a Microsoft Access with SQL Server Academy Session We kick off the new season of Access with SQL Server group meetings this year with three months of training: Introduction, Intermediate and Advanced topics on how to optimize Access with SQL Server. Part 1: Introduction On Tuesday Septem [...]

2021-06-11T05:48:32-05:00September 9th, 2018|

Designing a Microsoft T-SQL Trigger

Designing a Microsoft T-SQL Trigger On occasions when building a project involving an Access front-end and a SQL Server backend, we've run into this question. Should we use a trigger for something? Designing a SQL Server trigger for Access application may be a solution but only after careful conside [...]

2021-12-19T23:18:56-06:00June 19th, 2018|

Drag and Drop In MS Access and Conditional Sorting

Drag and Drop In MS Access and Conditional Sorting Drag and Drop In MS Access Doug was on a roll in January of 2004 when he wrote his article on drag and drop in MS Access. He tested it now using Access 2016 and it still works. This article shows you how to add drag-and-drop to your Access applicati [...]

2021-06-11T07:25:31-05:00August 11th, 2017|
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