Juan Soto

About Juan Soto

Juan Soto is a Senior Access Developer at IT Impact Inc. and a Microsoft Access MVP. He specializes in Access with SQL Server databases. His passion for Access has led him to helping a wide range of businesses in helping them establish a secure, stable and efficient environment with SQL Server. He's a frequent speaker at Access user groups nationwide and recently spoke at the Orange County SQL Saturday # 73. If you wish to have Juan speak at your next group meeting you can contact him here.

No meeting tomorrow, join me on December 13th

I am currently traveling through the Middle East on a entrepreneurship training course through Israel where I’m meeting startups and getting a ton of ideas for my practice. Consequently we will not be having our normal meeting in November and our next meeting is in December 13th 2022. Here are the m [...]

2022-11-07T10:39:02-06:00November 6th, 2022|

How I bombed at my last presentation – yes, it happens to all of us

Last Tuesday, October 11, 2021 I was all set to present SQL Server with Access Academy Part II when I hit a roadblock I could not overcome: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access, (SSMA), would not load the sample Northwind database and I was stuck, could not continue the session. I've done it fo [...]

2022-10-26T16:05:33-05:00October 26th, 2022|

*ALERT* Windows update breaks pure Access applications – fix available

We've gotten reports of an Office update adversely impacting existing applications that uses Access database to store data and is shared on a network location. Because of the update, people no longer can connect to same Access database file. With the update, only one can use the shared Access databa [...]

2022-05-06T09:02:04-05:00December 20th, 2021|

Access dataverse connector is now available to test

The Access team has released a new test version that includes a dataverse connector, from Michael Aldridge, program manager from for Access: Hello Microsoft Access community ! I am excited to let you all know we shipped the public beta of the Access Connector for Dataverse and Power Platform at Igni [...]

2022-04-19T03:57:43-05:00November 9th, 2021|

When should you use SQL Server with Access? (Hint: Almost always)

[Update] Post has been updated to correct the maximum size of the database to 10 Gigs When should you use SQL Server with Access? (Hint: Almost always) Look, I’ve heard the phrase “When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail” and given that our specialty is Access with SQL Server at I [...]

2021-11-09T17:35:51-06:00August 1st, 2021|

Check Out the Latest News on Microsoft Access, Including Access 2022!

Check Out the Latest News on Microsoft Access, Including Access 2022!   Check out all the BREAKING NEWS Ebo Quansah released at my last Access with SQL Server meeting: https://accessusergroups.org/blog/the-biggest-news-from-ebo-quansahs-march-9th-2021-presentation/ #msaccess Access MVP Summit T [...]

2021-06-11T04:19:18-05:00March 29th, 2021|

Avoid This Common Error When Executing Stored Procedure in MS Access

Avoid This Common Error When Executing Stored Procedure in MS Access   We love running stored procedures from our VBA code, but there is one issue you need to watch out for: Executing a procedure that affects data already loaded on your form. If you're not careful you will get the following [...]

2021-06-30T14:54:20-05:00March 2nd, 2021|

Easily Convert Your Microsoft Access Queries With This New Tool!

Easily Convert Your Microsoft Access Queries With This New Tool!   AccessUserGroups.org launched a new tool that will convert your Access queries over to TSQL: https://accessusergroups.org/blog/accesssqltool/ As a firm that specializes in converting Access to SQL Server, this tool will be a rea [...]

2021-06-11T04:20:49-05:00January 17th, 2021|

Where to Download the Runtime Kit for Microsoft Access 2016

Where to Download the Runtime Kit for Microsoft Access 2016   If you ever need to download the runtime kit for Access 2016 you will find it here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=50040 If you expand the Details section you will see the following note: Note: There are mul [...]

2022-01-07T09:07:58-06:00November 1st, 2020|

Join Us for an Intro to Access with SQL Server

Join Us for an Intro to Access with SQL Server   On Tuesday September 8th, 2020 at 6:30 PM CST we are back from summer vacation to start the new season! We will start with introduction to Access with SQL Server, you can learn more at https://accessusergroups.org/sql-server-with-access/event/375 [...]

2021-06-11T05:03:15-05:00September 5th, 2020|

How to Consistently Earn a Microsoft Access MVP Award

How to Consistently Earn a Microsoft Access MVP Award   I often get asked, "how does one become an Access MVP?" 9 Years of MVP Awards When I first started nine years ago, we had over 30 MVPs. Now we have less than 20. Each year, I need to compile my accomplishments and submit them for review, [...]

2021-06-11T05:04:24-05:00August 3rd, 2020|
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