How does Access talk to ODBC data sources? Part 3

Analyzing the key population query some more In part 3 of our ODBC tracing series, we are going to take a further insight into Access managing keys for ODBC linked tables and how it sorts and groups the SELECT queries together. In the previous article we learned how a dynaset-type recordset is in fa [...]

2021-12-19T23:16:25-06:00December 17th, 2021|

How does Access talk to ODBC data sources? Part 2

UPDATE: Added some more clarifications around the meaning of SQLExecute and how Access is handling the prepared queries. Thanks, Bob! What's Access doing when we browse and look at records in a ODBC linked table? In the second part of our ODBC tracing series, our focus will turn to the impact the re [...]

2021-12-19T23:11:10-06:00December 16th, 2021|

How does Access talk to ODBC data sources? Part 1

This is a six-part series of articles on ODBC tracing to help Access developers troubleshoot and work with Access when developing an application that uses ODBC data source(s), usually but not exclusively SQL Server. The series aims to demonstrate how to use the ODBC tracing to monitor ODBC SQL state [...]

2022-07-26T03:39:27-05:00December 15th, 2021|

Access-compatible Wide World Importers SQL Server Database

SQL Server usually comes with useful sample databases to demonstrate new features and some possible design. I usually find sample databases far more useful as a playground for developing generic components against an existing database to use in other projects. I find that using a empty or too small [...]

2021-12-06T14:39:15-06:00December 7th, 2021|

Evaluating when an expression in a query is evaluated

I've always found Itzik Ben-Gan's excellent chart on the logical SQL processing immensely helpful in reasoning about the querying performance. Even though the chart was made for SQL Server, it still is applicable to any database engine that follow SQL Standard, which also includes Access database en [...]

2022-04-19T04:00:03-05:00December 6th, 2021|

Bulk Inserts or Update for tables with Attachment fields

Since Access 2010, Access has supported Attachments data type which on the surface seems like a convenient feature for storing small images or files. However, a quick google search will usually show that they are best avoided. This all boils down to the fact that an Attachments data type is actually [...]

2021-12-01T12:41:54-06:00December 2nd, 2021|

Access dataverse connector is now available to test

The Access team has released a new test version that includes a dataverse connector, from Michael Aldridge, program manager from for Access: Hello Microsoft Access community ! I am excited to let you all know we shipped the public beta of the Access Connector for Dataverse and Power Platform at Igni [...]

2022-04-19T03:57:43-05:00November 9th, 2021|

7 Ways Microsoft Access Can Help Your Business

7 Ways Microsoft Access Can Help Your Business Almost every business in the world uses Microsoft Excel. For creating simple spreadsheets, it’s probably the best piece of software in the world. But as a company grows and spreadsheets become more complicated, Excel will show its limitations. This is w [...]

2022-04-19T03:58:50-05:00August 3rd, 2021|

When should you use SQL Server with Access? (Hint: Almost always)

[Update] Post has been updated to correct the maximum size of the database to 10 Gigs When should you use SQL Server with Access? (Hint: Almost always) Look, I’ve heard the phrase “When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail” and given that our specialty is Access with SQL Server at I [...]

2021-11-09T17:35:51-06:00August 1st, 2021|

Check Out the Latest News on Microsoft Access, Including Access 2022!

Check Out the Latest News on Microsoft Access, Including Access 2022!   Check out all the BREAKING NEWS Ebo Quansah released at my last Access with SQL Server meeting: #msaccess Access MVP Summit T [...]

2021-06-11T04:19:18-05:00March 29th, 2021|
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